Register for Online Services

Online Access to Your Medical Record

If you would like to register for online access to your medical record, please click HERE to complete the application form. 

Completed form can be returned to us at reception or be emailed to

We will then be able to activate your account and provide you with login details.


If your child is under the age of 12, please complete the same form and we will link their account to yours.

When your child turns 12, your access will be automatically removed. Please see below for proxy access information.

Proxy Access to GP Online Services

If your child is 12-15 years of age, we will need their signed consent before we can set up your proxy access to appointment booking and prescription requests.

Please bring your child to reception during opening hours to complete the Consent to proxy access to GP online services form.

The signed consent form will be passed to your child's GP. Sometimes if the GP isn’t familiar with the child and is unsure if they are competent to give consent, the GP might need to assess them.

Once the proxy access is set up, it will be valid for a year, then you will need to do another consent form next year until your child turns 16 when they can have their own online account.